February - Never Have I Ever by Joshilyn Jackson
This was the first book I have read by Joshilyn Jackson, but I will definitely read another. My friend, author, and book coach, Shelia Athens recommended her and I was not disappointed.
Never Have I Ever opens with a neighborhood book club meeting. It was supposed to be another typical boring little meeting. Charlotte started the club and she always picked the titles and ran the meeting like … a meeting. There was an agenda, and printed out questions, and she could be so judgmental if you admitted you hadn’t read the book.
But then came Roux. She was the new neighbor living in the rental house down the street. She walked in with her own agenda and took over. She was pouring drinks like it was her house and her liquor. They didn’t even talk about the book.
Charlotte was so disappointed, and pregnant and left early. Amy walked Charlotte out and when she returned Roux had everybody playing a game that she referred to as Never Have I Ever for adults.
The remaining book club ladies had way too much to drink and were revealing way too much information. Amy will never be able to look at Panda in the same way. (You can’t unhear these things.)
Amy wants the game to end quickly because she doesn’t want to reveal her own dark secrets, but Roux seems to hint that she already knows them. But that seems impossible.
Joshilyn Jackson gives Amy a job as a SCUBA instructor so in addition to a great story, the reader gets an inside look into deep sea diving. Never Have I Ever is a high stakes page-turner where the stakes just keep getting higher.